Reformer or Mat?

Which one is better? The short answer: it’s a personal choice.

Let’s explore how mat and Reformer are similar and different so you can decide for yourself.

What are the similarities?

What we know as Pilates today, was originally called Contrology. While there are many contemporary variations of Pilates, both Mat and Reformer Pilates stay true to the original philosophy of founder Joseph Pilates.They both involve controlled movement to promote muscle strength and tone. Each modality also works to enhance balance, posture, and mobilise your body safely.  

Even the newest of Pilates newbies will know that Pilates is strongly associated with core strength and purposeful breathing. This remains true for both Mat and Reformer workouts.  Most movements carry across from one modality to another, so you’ll hear similar cues. If you are familiar with one form of Pilates, it will be easier to pick up the other.


How are they different? 

Mat Pilates works with body weight. Most classes will introduce small props such as balls, hand weights and flex bands to help with body alignment and deepen engagement of muscle groups. 

There are many moving pieces with the Reformer. A sliding carriage and a selection of springs and loops challenge balance and create resistance for a deeper workout.  It might take a few classes to build confidence with the Reformer which, admittedly, can appear intimidating and confusing at first. The resistance allows you to engage your muscles, through a push or pull sensation, at a deeper level. The Reformer bed is supportive which means low impact on joints being especially beneficial to those with injuries. The elevation of the carriage is also great for those with compromised mobility.


Many people combine both mat and Reformer in their exercise regime. We suggest that you try both forms of Pilates and decide for yourself. We would love to hear what you think.

More questions? Drop us an email at, we’ll be happy to chat with you. 



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