New to Pilates?
Keep the focus inwards
It’s easy to feel intimidated when you’re the newbie in class, especially when everyone else seems to know exactly what they’re doing. It’s really not about keeping up with others. It’s about tuning in to your own body. We promise -no one is watching you! We just love that you show up and give it a go.
It’s all about good form
Pilates is all about developing strength and postural awareness. Many people are referred to Pilates by their physio’s or chiro’s for purposes of managing and preventing injury. Good technique is everything, so find an instructor who is pedantic about it and offers personal, even tactile, cues.
If something doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t right
As instructors, we love it when clients tune into their bodies and adapt a movement where needed. Don’t feel that you have to try all the advanced movements. We want you to move safely, we want you to feel that healthy burn – not be in pain. Ask for modifications if something doesn’t feel right in your body. Advancing on the foundation of good form is essential.
Mindful breathing
Sounds simple. But when you start to feel the muscle burn, it’s surprisingly easy to forget to breathe fully. Pilates focuses on the core muscles. Think corset: the muscles that wrap around your torso – front and back, from diaphragm, to pelvic floor. That’s right – the core is not just the front lying abdominal muscles. To deepen your engagement and get the most out of your workout – listen out for the cues and BREATHE!
What to expect after class
Even if you are active, Pilates tends to target smaller muscle groups that many exercise routines leave out, so expect to experience some muscle soreness. You can also expect to feel connected with your body in the nicest of ways. In just a few week of regular practise (at least 2 times/week) you will start to feel stronger and notice definition as your muscles start to tone up.
We can’t wait to see you on the mat!
More questions? Drop us an email at, we’ll be happy to chat with you.